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Guest Book / Re: Need to host a server?
« Last post by [BR]-SweetMorbidBunny on October 28, 2014, 03:43:21 PM »
To you again I ask you to develop because since nachos

lol my sides
Guest Book / Re: Need to host a server?
« Last post by [BR]-Juggernaut on October 28, 2014, 11:15:26 AM »
To you again I ask you to develop because since nachos
Guest Book / Re: Need to host a server?
« Last post by Carllaey on October 28, 2014, 05:32:37 AM »
The Last Good development posts I ask you again to you.
Guest Book / New ACI streaming information
« Last post by soldier-ACI- on October 13, 2014, 02:10:52 PM »
Hello BlueRidge Gaming clan:

I stopped by today to make sure you guys heard that our streaming IP address changed recently, and your AAPG/BF4 servers are no longer actively streaming. We would love to have you back streaming with ACI again.

The updated streaming information is here.

Guest Book / Re: Hello from -ACI-
« Last post by [BR]-DragonMaster on July 31, 2014, 08:49:28 PM »
Umm, all 3 of our servers stream to pbbans & are enrolled in ACI live secure and are all streaming as you would have seen on the main page when you came to our site  :)
Guest Book / Hello from -ACI-
« Last post by Fire@enemy-ACI- on July 31, 2014, 08:32:54 PM »
I am Fire@enemy-ACI- from AntiCheat Inc.

Anyways, I was browsing around and I noticed that your server is not streaming to -ACI-,nor PBBans. You might be wondering why should I stream to -ACI- and not PBBans, or any at all? Well why not stream to both?

-ACI- is a multi-service organization that provides PunkBuster support and independent services to the gaming community. These services include banlist management based on real time streamed violations and log data as well as submitted PBSS screenshots. Taking it a step further, we use the data we collect and manage to provide a number of additional unique tools and resources to help our members and the gaming community maintain a clean and fun playing environment. There is no cost for our services.

Streaming to ACI has many unique advantages over other anti-cheat organizations:

• Players in your server are logged into the -ACI- History Tool, where you can view player accounts and look for links to cheating accounts, reported screenshots, PunkBuster violation kicks, other player names used by the account, and more.

• Players in your server found with cheats in their PunkBuster screenshots by our numerous PBSS "trollers" can be banned after being verified with your streamed logs.

Players in your server who are kicked due to bannable PunkBuster violations are immediately added to the -ACI- ban list by -ACI- LiveBans.

For both Streaming Admin and Server Owner members we offer -ACI- LiveSecure, -ACI-'s state of the art game server anti-cheat protection service. LiveSecure automatically tracks PB violations, monitors suspicious players with -ACI-LiveWatch, implements ACI MD5/CVAR checks, and enforces bans using a master list of -ACI- and other anti-cheat community bans. Play in your server with confidence that no player is using a banned account. LiveSecure for Streaming Admins includes most of the features of the Server Owner.

Battlefield 4 has one of the highest ban amounts out there just because there is soooo many cheaters. I highly suggest atleast checking it out so you can help keep your server clean. If you need any help you can always just add me on steam: Fire@enemy-ACI-. Check the site out at:

Thanks for your time,
Guest Book / Re: FantasyWeapons
« Last post by [BR]-DragonMaster on July 04, 2014, 11:09:26 AM »
I'll be adding pics of some of the stuff I have in da future to the fantasy weapons facebook page.
Guest Book / Re: FantasyWeapons
« Last post by [BR]-Slender69 on July 04, 2014, 12:30:19 AM »
that pretty cool..i want one lol
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