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Guest Book / Sup everyone
« Last post by [BR]-SiNGLE^- on March 11, 2014, 03:01:29 AM »
Hey Dragon and my old AAO 2 pals, haven't been around in a long time. are you guys still playing AAO2 or that's dead already?
anyway just stepping by and saying hi, NICE WEBPAGE   ;D ;D ;D
Guest Book / Re: Looks good
« Last post by PurpleTurf on February 24, 2014, 09:28:12 AM »
Yeah I think i realized that after I posted that.  Look simple enough.  See you on the battlefield.
Guest Book / Re: Looks good
« Last post by Borisbadenov on February 23, 2014, 09:49:27 PM »
Thanks for visiting i guess as far as teamspeak goes just visit this this site and click on the one we are on for BF4
Guest Book / Looks good
« Last post by PurpleTurf on February 23, 2014, 08:28:31 PM »
Hey guys.  Figured Id come on and post being I have played with a few of you since the BF3 days.  Like the look of the site and servers running well.  Ill try to catch you sometime on teamspeak as I just loaded it, not sure which server you all use for that as I looked and didnt see too many on what you listed as the main server.  But then again I rarely use teamspeak so not familiar with the layout.

Catch you all on the battlefield.
Banned Accounts / Re: MachoMadness Trial cont...
« Last post by Captain_Tylor on February 16, 2014, 05:07:30 PM »
Ok.  After considering this issue, my vote is to allow you the opportunity to prove yourself.  You have my vote to unban.  Now, that being said understand that how you portray yourself from this point forward will dictate whether you stay or go.  We are not unreasonable people, but we are a group of families and will do everything we can to protect them.
Banned Accounts / Re: MachoMadness Trial cont...
« Last post by Borisbadenov on February 16, 2014, 05:03:41 PM »
Seems now we are all on the same page and know what is expected and MachoMadness seems remorseful so i have lifted his ban please keep in mind if this happens again in the future there  will be no discussion.
Have a Nice Day
Banned Accounts / Re: MachoMadness Trial cont...
« Last post by Little_Hasman on February 16, 2014, 04:55:31 PM »
???  Hasman Please Reread My post of which you quoted.  It was not talking about You, Your friend or anyone else. this incident has started a discussion about how we are going to Behave as Admins. How to better manage the server that we support and Maintain.  We're trying to decide what will be expected from both the Admins. & Players that Visit the server. If you do join the clan you will see more threads like this one.

Wardad :)
I misread your post. Upon first glance, I thought you were calling him out on that. I reread your post and I see what you meant. I do agree that racist remarks do not belong in the chat feed. Thank you for the clarification though.
I look forward to possibly joining the clan.

Banned Accounts / Re: MachoMadness Trial cont...
« Last post by Wardad on February 16, 2014, 04:49:22 PM »
 ???  Hasman Please Reread My post of which you quoted.  It was not talking about You, Your friend or anyone else. this incident has started a discussion about how we are going to Behave as Admins. How to better manage the server that we support and Maintain.  We're trying to decide what will be expected from both the Admins. & Players that Visit the server. If you do join the clan you will see more threads like this one.

Wardad :)
Banned Accounts / Re: MachoMadness Trial cont...
« Last post by [BR]-DragonMaster on February 16, 2014, 03:13:21 PM »

Racial Slurs are a sign of a Small Minded Player with a Petty attitude. I don’t want to see them or their hateful  ideas displayed on the server.
I would also like to ask all BR members to Please Remember that your actions reflect on me and anyone else with a BR tag. I would not want to do anything to embarrass you and expect that you show me the same consideration. 

The way you phrase this makes it seem like he was repeatedly using racial slurs. MachoMadness merely pointed out that he was still on the Russian team and wanted to go to the Chinese team. He could have used better phrasing, but he was not maliciously calling people racist. Macho has made a very short banlist that includes the following:
"A pedophile"
"A bad name/bad attitude"
"F' our server he says"
MachoMadness_Yea made an account to apologize and petition for an unban. These other banned users were intentionally/malicously bashing your server and made zero attempt to say sorry. Macho just wanted to play with his friends. He doesn't belong to be on a shortlist with a pedophile, bad attitude person, and a person that said "F' our server".

And because of the other banlist "members" actions they would not even be granted an appeal. We know what was said and in what context or this discussion would not be happening. The issue has been thoroughly discussed, we are just waiting to see what the other BlueRidge members think since it is their server. Wardad was not accusing him of using racial slurs, he was just stating his opinion on that particular topic and our clan's (platoon's) position on that.
Banned Accounts / Re: MachoMadness Trial cont...
« Last post by Borisbadenov on February 16, 2014, 03:06:04 PM »
It hasn't happened yet
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