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Banned Accounts / Re: MachoMadness Trial cont...
« Last post by MachoMadness on February 16, 2014, 03:02:46 PM »
YES!!!!!! Thank you very much sir. You bring much pride to your family. Macho loves you
Banned Accounts / Re: MachoMadness Trial cont...
« Last post by Borisbadenov on February 16, 2014, 03:01:47 PM »
If i don't' hear anything from the others in about 2 hrs i will most likely lift the ban
Banned Accounts / Re: MachoMadness Trial cont...
« Last post by MachoMadness on February 16, 2014, 02:59:13 PM »
Well said Little_Hasman! #FREEMACHOMADNESS! Macho loves you and you will love Macho. I'm like a hot steamy chili dog on a mid summers day. However you want to take that. Lets just please be friends :) :) :)
Banned Accounts / Re: MachoMadness Trial cont...
« Last post by Little_Hasman on February 16, 2014, 02:56:59 PM »

Racial Slurs are a sign of a Small Minded Player with a Petty attitude. I don’t want to see them or their hateful  ideas displayed on the server.
I would also like to ask all BR members to Please Remember that your actions reflect on me and anyone else with a BR tag. I would not want to do anything to embarrass you and expect that you show me the same consideration. 

The way you phrase this makes it seem like he was repeatedly using racial slurs. MachoMadness merely pointed out that he was still on the Russian team and wanted to go to the Chinese team. He could have used better phrasing, but he was not maliciously calling people racist. Macho has made a very short banlist that includes the following:
"A pedophile"
"A bad name/bad attitude"
"F' our server he says"
MachoMadness_Yea made an account to apologize and petition for an unban. These other banned users were intentionally/malicously bashing your server and made zero attempt to say sorry. Macho just wanted to play with his friends. He doesn't belong to be on a shortlist with a pedophile, bad attitude person, and a person that said "F' our server".
Banned Accounts / Re: MachoMadness Trial cont...
« Last post by [BR]-Neo... on February 16, 2014, 02:48:18 PM »
Well said Wardad!
Banned Accounts / Re: MachoMadness Trial cont...
« Last post by Wardad on February 16, 2014, 02:45:02 PM »
One Mans Opinion,  :(

  I Like the blue Ridge Clan and the way we are heading.  We need to keep the politics and egos in check and remember we are here to play games and have Fun.  My motto is “It’s just a Game people!  Frag Nice and let’s All have Fun!  The golden rule should apply on the server.
 Do unto others as you would have them do unto you
  we have kids playing on our server so lang. should be enforce But, Respect is of utmost importance.  Smack talk and playful banter can be fun and enhance the game play but, can also hurt feelings and get out of control.  We do not always know what level of maturity, background, or values the other player has.
Admins. Are usually trying to play as well as help maintain the server.  They should not have to Babysit Unruly Children ( No matter what their age ! )  we all have bad days.  So I try to tolerate the occasional outburst but, we have to be the ones to say something.  It’s our duty inform the players of server rules. Which maybe simply chatting  “ please follow Server rules which are scrolling “  I like second chances with the hopes of have a full server to play on. A Full server of peeps ( Admins. included ) have Fun!
Racial Slurs are a sign of a Small Minded Player with a Petty attitude. I don’t want to see them or their hateful  ideas displayed on the server.
I would also like to ask all BR members to Please Remember that your actions reflect on me and anyone else with a BR tag. I would not want to do anything to embarrass you and expect that you show me the same consideration. 
Banned Accounts / Re: MachoMadness Trial cont...
« Last post by Borisbadenov on February 16, 2014, 01:21:06 PM »
We still need to get 2 more people to chime in that play on a daily basis and we will go from there. In the mean time let your mates know they can get on TS while they are on our server and if /when you are unbanned you can join as well. The same rules more or less apply to TS although we do understand the occasional slip during the heat of the moment using voice as opposed to chat because when you type some thought is put in before you hit enter.
Banned Accounts / Re: MachoMadness Trial cont...
« Last post by MachoMadness on February 16, 2014, 12:26:02 PM »
I do now understand the rules of the server and, again, apologize for the remarks made in game chat. I can assure you that I will not be a future problem. I have never been banned from a server like this before.
Banned Accounts / Re: MachoMadness Trial cont...
« Last post by [BR]-DragonMaster on February 16, 2014, 12:11:43 PM »
I agree. It has been our policy that if someone takes the time to come and
actually post an appeal that the ban be lifted on probationary conditions.
The banned player must understand that if the behavior that resulted in
the ban continues the ban will be reinstated permanently and there are no
appeals on a second ban. We all have had times where we get frustrated in
the "heat of battle". For those who find themselves in this situation a few tidbits of advice...

  • Read and UNDERSTAND the rules of the server you are playing in.
  • BlueRidge is a family server, we do have minors that play on here daily.
  • Along with language, disrespect is a big consideration. Respect the players on the server or leave.

Yes, we know this is a war game.
Yes, we know there is adult language used by the game itself.
Yes, we know we pay for & run this server so read and understand our rules.

If you are posting offensive stuff in chat it was not an accident and it did not "slip".
You took the time to actually type it out & post it to chat and it can therefore be
determined that you are either intentionally being disrespectful, arrogant or looking
for attention. Whichever the case may be all I can be sure of is that it will get you
attention, right out of the server. Play and have fun. Frag ya' later!
Banned Accounts / Re: MachoMadness Trial cont...
« Last post by Rogue264 on February 16, 2014, 08:55:21 AM »
The fact that they are making an effort to get Macho-M unbanned speaks a bit to the point as most folks intent on perpetually trolling would not bother to contest the issue. If he were to be unbanned it must be clear what the clan considers acceptable behavior and he should agree ahead of time and then comply, with any further trolling to result in permanent ban. This game is about fun which includes playing well, supporting your teammates and other players (even opposing team). No one likes a bully,  verbal or otherwise. I was not subject to the behavior in question, so would not dissent a permanent ban. However, because an effort is being made to get unbanned, it should be considered. Thanks and I appreciate the attitudes of my new teammates.
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